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Worst Not Reviewed 2018: Red Sparrow

Worst Not Reviewed 2018: Red Sparrow

In 2013, former CIA operative Jason Mathews had the first of three books published about a specific Russian Intelligence Group who employ a technique called Synesthesia (syn·es·the·sia) which is phenomenon where a specific sensory overload leads to involuntary participation in a second sense. In Red Sparrows situation, she can “discern a subjects nature by seeing their emotions in color.” This is all per wikipedia preparing to write this.

None of this is present in the film adaptation.

This would have all made for a much better movie than what was presented to us for a hefty 2 hours and 20 mins. Something about the writing in this mixed, adapting it from its original source material handicapped this. The above, again, sounds like a good movie. The movie, directed by Francis Lawrence who did the last three Hunger Games movies, is only about a group of spys masquerading as whores.

The film tries to sell you, espionage, suspense, drama, murder and lots of sex. I suppose theres espionage and sex happening, but this film is cold and bland and unsexy much like the Russia featured in this movie. On the 41st Moviepass movie experience,  I checked my phone a lot in this movie and audible stated “aw, come on.”

Jennifer Lawrence is a present actor. I dont have a better compliment than that. I never feel sympathy for her character except past the beginning of the story that propels us into this world of espionage.

I like Joel Edgerton is almost everything and if he was trying to play a clueless boob working for a major government intelligence agency, then mission complete.

If I were to have reviewed this back in March I would have given this Two out of Six Blueberries.

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