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Almanac Beer Co Gemini Mind Trick: Review by @Robyn_Seto

Almanac Beer Co Gemini Mind Trick: Review by @Robyn_Seto

What an interesting creature is the sour IPA. While no strict guidelines exist to define this style of beer, the consensus is that if an IPA has overarching notes of tartness then it fits the style. Usually fruit has been added to accentuate that sour flavor as well. 

While I have not had many sour IPAs, I can safely state that Gemini Mind Trick by Almanac Beer Co. is one incredibly delicious sour IPA. I must admit I typically do not enjoy IPAs as I generally find them to be overwhelmingly hoppy and funky, and in some cases their flavors are to me akin to the scent of body odor. I will definitely give more history on the style of India Pale Ales in a future review because this particular beer does not have the signature bitterness and hoppiness that you find in most IPAs. 


Brewed with strawberries, peaches, honey, lavender, and citra hops, you can smell the honey and lavender as you pour this beverage into the glass. Gemini Mind Trick is bursting with fresh fruit flavors and the citra hop adds a touch of that IPA vegetal flavor but not enough to be bitter. Unlike my usual opinion of most IPAs, this one has virtually no funk at all - yet the dry-hopped citra lends the familiar tropical notes you would find in many IPAs. As it dries, the honey and lavender come through for a clean finish. 

This is one of those beers in which different flavors emerge in prominence as the temperature changes. The strawberry flavors become more present and jammy as the beer warms. This beer is shockingly dynamic in flavor and delightfully refreshing. It’s a little bit like taking a stroll through a lush garden with a berry patch. At 7.2% ABV, this beer is perfect for a springtime buzz.

5/5 Burps

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Grandin by Omnipollo: Review by @Robyn_Seto

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